Arkrat Music Services
CD Catalog


Brutus - Pre/Post/Earous  [AMS 000024]  $15.00  Cover art by Robert Hyde - see Rabbit's Resources and Arkrat
This is a collection of pieces done by the musicians in Brutus before and after they played in that band, as well as four selections performed by Brutus.  The disk features songs by Second Foundation, Brutus, and Mt. EverestSong of the Wind was recorded live; the rest were recorded in home studios, except for Hercules, which was done at Triad Studio in Ft. Lauderdale FL.  All songs are original except for Song of the Wind by Santana.

Click on Nautilus by Reuben D. Ferguson or Bavarian Healer by Michael B. Osborn to listen to those pieces.

 You must have the RealPlayer G2 program installed in order to listen to the piece.  If you don't already have it, you can download it from RealPlayer.  You can get a copy for free, or get the deluxe version for $29.95.

Second Foundation
Bavarian Healer
Song of the Wind
Mt. Everest
R.D. Ferguson
Tears In December

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